Day 8 - Into the Sierras

7th April 2018

Today's ride headed towards the Sierra Candelario, one of a range of hills lying between north west and south east Spain.  As the morning gloom cleared snow capped mountains up to 2500m in height started to appear.  This evening we are near the town of Hervas a little way up the pass between the mountains.  Tomorrow's ride will continue up the pass to 1200m before dropping down to Salamanca.

We have seen a huge variety of birdlife as we have passed through Extremadura from huge Griffin Vultures to, completely unknown to me, little song birds.  Yesterday we had an Iberian Magpie perched on the bike rack.  Storks nested on chimneys are a particularly common sight.

Jacqui has been having a miserable time with a painful upper leg for the past 3 or 4 days which has stopped her from sleeping.  The cause was a bit of a mystery until this morning when she developed a typical shingles rash.  This hasn't stopped her sorting out Ivan, going to the supermarket and cooking tea!  No, contrary to popular belief, I have not been sitting around expecting to waited on hand and foot, she tells me it distracts her from the pain.    


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