Day 67 - Rain, wind, hail and sunshine all at the same time

5th June 2018

Today was another of those days when I really didn't feel like going out on the bike.  It might have had something to do with the bone chilling wind, rain and hail.  The forecast suggested an improvement but by 10.00am things couldn't be delayed any longer.  As I've often found, rides you don't want to start often end up being the best!  There were showers but plenty of clear spells, much more of the scenery was visible and Mrs B and Ivan once again hosted the coffee stops - marvellous!

Lofoten is really a peninsular and a chain of islands joined by bridges.  It is crammed with dramatic craggy peaks, glacial valleys and lakes.  Every bend in the road brings up another breath taking view, despite the amount of low cloud still present today.

Today's ride featured my longest tunnel to date, 6.4km.  Hall of the Mountain King from the Peer Gynt Suite was today's tunnel tune, happily seeing me all the way through.

We are now at the small town of Lodingen, beside the marina at a very pleasant camper van stop.


  1. You'll be bored of the scenery in the Peak when you return, it all looks stunning.

    1. Haha! I'll never get bored of Abbey Clough or Curvature Gap Andrew!

  2. How many miles have you done and roughly how close to the end?


    Kevin (SGL)

    1. 3682 at end of today (6th June). Google maps says 441 miles to go!

  3. A good pace of 55 miles a day, there will be no keeping up with you now :).
    I have got a charity ride of 80 miles to do on the 29th of June to the National Arboretum at Lichfield. Making the most of the dry weather here and cycling the 32 mile round trip to work for practice.


    Kevin (SGL)

    1. We've generally had a rest/chores day every 5th day or so. This was the 52nd day of cycling. When route planning I have been aiming for 70-80 mile days depending on location of suitable places to stop for the night. Sometimes this isn't possible, in which case I tend to choose a shorter rather than a longer ride if it's hilly!
      Hope you enjoy your 80 miler. You've been doing some hard commutes so you shouldn't have any problem with the extra distance.


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